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CBDa der natürliche Entzündungshemmer   ​Die rhenum-Produkte

CBDa der natürliche Entzündungshemmer


 wissenschaftlich Überprüft
 zertifizierte Qualität
 von Experten empfholen

rhenum.at - Premium CBDA online shop from Austria

CBDa Mundöl Extrakt von rhenum

Natürliche Unterstüztung
für die Gesundheit.

Unsere CBDa Mundöle gibt es in unterschiedlichen Zusammensetzungen von CBD und CBDA
2-4 Tropfen unter die Zunge, kurz einziehen lassen und spülen.

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CBDA ist der wichtigste Wirkstoff von rhenum. Es enthält natürliche Salicylsäure. Ein Wirkstoff, den Sie aus Arzneien wie Aspirin kennen.

The major advantage of CBDA is its more complex chemical structure, which comes with a full extract like rhenum that includes a complex of natural active ingredients. As a result, CBDA avoids unfavorable side effects such as blood thinning and irritation of the gastrointestinal lining.

 More about CBDA

The rhenum-procedure

Gesundheitliche Sensation durch das rhenum-Verfahren

We have developed a globally unique extraction process. No one else produces purer CBDA while simultaneously adhering to legal THC limits. That is a sensation in CBDA health application. Learn more about the rhenum-procedure from Austria.

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CBDA is the main active ingredient in rhenum. It contains natural salicylic acid, an active ingredient known from painkillers like aspirin.

The major advantage of CBDA is its more complex chemical structure, which comes with a full extract like rhenum that includes a complex of natural active ingredients. As a result, CBDA avoids unfavorable side effects such as blood thinning and irritation of the gastrointestinal lining.

 More about CBDA

Why rhenum?

We have developed a globally unique extraction process. No one else produces purer CBDA while simultaneously adhering to legal THC limits.

Why rhenum?

We have developed a globally unique extraction process. No one else produces purer CBDA while simultaneously adhering to legal THC limits.

Pure plant-power

We use only the flowers of our hemp plants, which we grow in open fields in Austria.


rhenum is free from isolates. The high CBDA and CBD content of our products comes 100% from our hemp extract.

100% Natürlich

In rhenum products, you will find only ingredients of natural origin such as organic MCT oil, beeswax, or rosemary oil.

We Value Transparency

As a company, we stand for absolute transparency and quality, which is why every batch of our products is tested by a state-accredited laboratory.

Sie haben Fragen zu rhenum? Dann schreiben Sie uns einfach unter [email protected]. Wir kümmern uns so schnell wie möglich um Ihr Anliegen.

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We Value Transparency

As a company, we stand for absolute transparency and quality, which is why every batch of our products is tested by a state-accredited laboratory.

Do you have questions about rhenum? Just write to us at [email protected]. We will take care of it as fast as possible.

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zu CBDA & rhenum

Studies & Research

CBDA is increasingly coming into the focus of science. There are already indications that it can play a significant role in medicine. Breast cancer, anti-inflammatory effects, action against anxiety and nausea – learn more about CBDA in current studies.


CBDA Research

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